Throughout these 10 years, the University of Valencia Science Park has favored the transfer of results of university research to society through the genesis and promotion of innovative knowledge-based companies.
There have been multiple innovative developments devised both from the 7 research institutes and the 2 unique R&D centers, as well as those executed by scientific-technical companies; results that represent progress for our environment in business fields such as Biotechnology, Genomics, ICT, Nanotechnology, and Energy and the Environment, among others.
Moreover, the Science Park has established itself as an innomediation center aimed at bringing the latest developments and technological advances to society through the organization of congresses, information and training sessions, workshops, seminars, networking activities and the edition of ebooks.
In this chronology we summarize some of the milestones that have been achieved by the professionals of the University of Valencia Science Park.
The I International Meeting of Biotechnology of Comunitat Valenciana, organized by the Bio Cluster of this region (BIOVAL), gathered November 17 experts in the field of the US and Europe. In the partnering session, more than 50 meetings between companies were held.
Two years after its inauguration, the Business Area went from housing 19 companies to having more than 60 companies installed.
206 centros de enseñanza inscritos y más de 4.700 estudiantes conectados a las sesiones en directo
Bajo un contexto de pandemia mundial, en 2020 el equipo de organización de Expociència tuvo reinventarse. Así nació e-XPOCIÈNCIA, una versión online de la fiesta de la ciencia y la tecnología donde fueron los profesionales del Parc Científic de la Universitat de València quienes se acercaron a su público, espcialmente al estudiantado de Secundaria y Bachillerato. A través de ocho charlas protagonizadas por personal del área científico-académica y empresarial del PCUV, los asistentes pudieron conocer cuestiones como cuáles son los materiales que nos permitirán conseguir eficiencia energética, para qué sirven los satélites o cuáles son los retos que presenta la medicina de precisión.
El colofón a la semana de sesiones en directo la protagonizó la obra de teatro El Teatro es pura Química, la Química es puro Teatro, cuyos interpretes son estudiantes de la Facultad de Química.