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PCUV institutes in figures


contracts and agreements


Competitive projects


European projects

Leading scientific research centers

The unique institutes and centers of the University of Valencia Science Park stand out for their high level of collaboration with companies and institutions, as well as for their participation in scientific projects of international impact.

In the research area of the Science Park, the University of Valencia (UV) has:

Four own institutes
Institute of Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (UV)

IRTIC (Institute of Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies) is a university research center attached to the University of Valencia.

Its activity is focused on projects on information management systems, telematic applications to traffic and transport, computer graphics and virtual reality, integration systems for the disabled, simulation of civil machinery, network services and computer security and digital image processing.

Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (UV)

Founded in 1998, the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology is dedicated to the study of biodiversity and evolutionary biology with an integrative and multidisciplinary approach.

His lines of research range from evolutionary ecology, plant conservation and marine zoology, to limnology, entomology or comparative neurobiology, among others.

Institute of Materials Science (UV)

Founded in 1995, the Institute of Materials Science of the Universitat de València (ICMUV) works in Applied Physics and Chemistry of materials and nanomaterials with applications in various fields, such as semiconductor and optical fiber physics, polymer chemistry or mesoporous materials.

Institute for Molecular Science (UV)

Founded in 2000, the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol) of the Universitat de València is a center of excellence in Molecular Chemistry and Nanoscience.

Its objectives are focused on fields such as the design and synthesis of functional molecules, supramolecular associations and molecular materials with physical or chemical properties of interest.

Its areas of application range from molecular magnetism and electronics, to nanotechnology and biomedicine. Since 2016, it has been recognized with the accreditation of 'Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu'.

Two joint institutes of the University of Valencia and the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
Institute of Corpuscular Physics (UV + CSIC)

With more than 50 years of history, the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) is a mixed center of the University of Valencia and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), dedicated to research in Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics, as well as its applications in Medical Physics and other fields of Science and Technology.

The institute has, since 2015, the accreditation of 'Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence'.

Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (UV + CSIC)

It is an institute open to the strategic participation of biotechnology companies. Its scientific programs focus on research on the structure, function, dynamics, evolution and manipulation of complex biological systems.

It aims to provide solutions to problems in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, biomedical and agro-industrial sectors that are open to a systemic approach.

A CSIC institute of claustre ampliat has UV
Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technologies (CSIC)

With more than 50 years of history, IATA is an institute of the CSIC with the character of an 'extended faculty center', which means integrating researchers from the University of Valencia into its scientific faculty.

Its main objective is excellence research on the sustainable production of quality food, its safety, the impact on health and acceptance by the consumer.

Singular centers
Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia

The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia is an institution dedicated to research and education, to the study of the Universe and the social dissemination of astronomy.

Its main lines of work are the nature of dark energy, the evolution of the Universe and its galaxies, the formation and evolution of stars and near-Earth asteroids, among others.

Image Processing Laboratory

Created in 2008, the Image Processing Laboratory (LPI) of the University of Valencia is an Interdisciplinary Research Structure formed by four research groups -UGC, GPDS, GACE and LEO- with a common technological mission: "imaging" (creation of real images or geo-biophysical parameters) from satellite and remote sensing data.

Information of interest

News research institutes

The FPCUV approves its annual accounts and its report of activities for the year 2024
IFIC researchers use quantum vacuum to improve predictions in particle physics and advance quantum computing
Eugenio Coronado receives the prestigious JSCC International Prize from the Japanese Society of Coordinating Chemistry

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