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Information Technology (ICT)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a business activity area with high rates of innovation, technological progress, productivity and a considerable impact on economic activity.  Its trans-versality and ability to influence practically all sectors of the economy, and the relative ease with which it can attract investment, generates an image of encouragement with respect to interesting business-development opportunities for young, professionally qualified entrepreneurs. Since its inception, the Science Park has been a magnet for ICT companies.

From the IRTIC research, and that of the University of Valencia´s School of Engineering, business projects have emerged and developed in the PCUV.  Others, also established in the Park, were created independently, thanks to the growing number of professionals in this cluster. Currently, ICT is the business field of 2 out of 10 companies installed in the Science Park.

Information Technology (TIC)

Our Information Technology (ICT) cluster in figures


Companies make up the biotechnology, medicine and health area of the Science Park.


Companies form the main core of the BIOregion of the Valencian Community (BIOval).


Qualified and stable jobs.

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Discover the science and technology based companies that make up our Information Technology ecosystem.

Companies List

ANALOG DEVICESDevelopment Centre of the multi-national Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), dedicated mostly to R&D tasks in the area of design and manufacture of integrated micro-electronic circuits. See page
Würth ElektronikEsta compañía opera internacionalmente en tres mercados: componentes electromecánicos y electrónicos, placas de circuitos y sistemas de control inteligente de potencia.See page
Information, IT and Telecommunications
DEEPSENSEdeepsense: la transformación del sector turístico a través de la analítica de datos y la inteligencia artificialSee page
ESAM TECNOLOGIAThe main activity of this University of Valencia spin-off company is the development, maintenance and consultancy of integral informatics and information systems. See page
EVOLUTIVE ADVANCEDDevelops business software oriented to Windows Phone's mobile and web environment through the use of innovative standards and Microsoft technology.See page
FRENETICDesarrolla tecnologías tanto de software como de hardware para implementar técnicas avanzadas como Inteligencia Artificial en los desarrollos de electrónica de potenciaSee page
I MAS D SOLUTIONSDevelopment of integrated business management solutions to optimise processes and improve strategic decision making. See page
INTELLIGENT MONITORING SYSTEMS DRONESEmpresa compuesta por profesionales con una dilatada experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de alto valor tecnológico e infraestructuras.See page
INXPYRETrusted partners providing strategic advice on innovation management, management of R&D, product development and the market strategy for first-in-class wearable bio medtech solutions.See page
LISTENICIt collects and analyses data on the perception of companies on the Internet, and helps them define and carry out their online strategy. See page
NOTHINGBUTNETDevelopment of new technologies and applications to improve the performance of professional, federated and basic sports practice.See page
RED HATLeading provider of open source software solutions worldwide, which uses a community-based approach to provide reliable and high-performance technologies.See page
WAY2 ECOMMERCECompany specialized in the creation of high performance ecommerce portals. It offers knowledge, consulting, experience and succeed solutions for your online sales portal.See page

Featured projects

News from our Information Technology companies

IMSdrones collaborates in a project for the design and development of drones at the Castelló Airport facilities
IMSdrones, finalist of the III edition of the FEINDEF Foundation Entrepreneurship Awards
IMSdrones participates in a UME conference on the creation of a specialized unit in the field of drones

Would you like to work or collaborate with our Information Technology (ICT) companies?

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