

The Science Park places at the disposition of companies, entities and organisations, an established and integrated set of services and facilities with the aim of facilitating the start and development of an activity, its consolidation and growth.

In addition to the availability of multi-purpose work areas:  offices, laboratories and different-sized public meeting rooms – the Science Park also offers a variety of business support services, in terms of information and training, to obtain grants and financing, for internationalisation and transnational co-operation, and also for communication and the establishment of networking.

The companies located in the Park, also have preferential access to the programmes, products and services of different organisations, both those belonging to the University of Valencia and to those areas of the economic-commercial environment with which the Foundation of the Scientific Park of the University of Valencia has established collaborative agreements.

An example of these relationships is the agreement allowing the use of the scientific-technological resources of the Central Service for the Support of Experimental Research (SCSIE):  the transfer of research results carried out by the Research and Innovation Service;  the attraction of talent by collaboration with the Observatory of Professional Insertion and Labour Advice (OPAL);  entrepreneurship training through the University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia (ADEIT);  preferential access to guarantees granted by a mutual guarantee company (SGR);  and the financial agreements established with different banking entities (Banco Santander, Caixa Popular and MicroBank)



For companies and entities established in the PCUV

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