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Introduction and objective

Joint research center of the University of Valencia and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), founded in 2016.

Introduction and objective

It is an institute open to the strategic participation of biotechnology companies. Its scientific programs focus on research on the structure, function, dynamics, evolution and manipulation of complex biological systems.

It aims to provide solutions to problems in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, biomedical and agro-industrial sectors that are open to a systemic approach.

Main research programs

The research groups at ISysBio are organized thematically into five Scientific Programs (SP). These programs are dynamic and evolve to incorporate new research and developments in integrative systems biology.


  • logoTheoretical and Computational Biology
  • logoSystems Biology of Molecular Interactions and Regulation
  • logoSystems Biology of Pathogens
  • logoEvolutionary Systems Biology of Symbionts
  • logoApplied Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology
  • logoInnovation Unit (Synbiosis)

Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (UV + CSIC) news

The CSIC awards the ASPIRA-MaX seal of scientific excellence to I2Sysbio
I2SysBio staff find that human cells have few barriers to stop the entry of animal viruses
I2SysBio researcher Irene Otero obtains two million euros from Europe for innovative studies in biology
The researcher Emilia Matallana, protagonist of the mural Dones de Ciència
I2SysBio team describes the relationship between a virus and its host organism during growth
I2SysBio collaborates in the sequencing of the megagenome of the araucaria tree, at risk of extinction and with food potential

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