


The PCUV promotes and organizes various forms of networking to encourage the exchange of ideas and increase the range of commercial possibilities. In addition, they also allow to acquire a greater degree of knowledge about the state of the art in the scientific, technological and business environment.

To weave a quality contact network is one of the services that gives prestige and value to an ecosystem of innovation such as the Science Park.  Under the common umbrella of knowledge development, hosted entities and companies can easily access other companies that, in addition to being located only metres away, can become customers, suppliers, collaborators and even partners.


Advantages of networking at PCUV

Modalities of networking in the PCUV

Scientific-technical networking

The Science Park brings together scientists and entrepreneurs in the same area of activity in order to establish collaborative networks between the scientific advances of the University of Valencia and its most immediate application for society through companies.

Professional Networking

The Science Park brings together scientists and entrepreneurs in the same area of activity in order to establish collaborative networks between the scientific advances of the University of Valencia and its most immediate application for society through companies.

Social Networking

The Science Park puts scientists and entrepreneurs in the same area of activity in contact with each other in order to establish collaborative networks between the scientific advances of the University of Valencia and their most immediate application for society through companies.

Would you like to participate in the Science Park's Networking?

Contact us and we shall advise you