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Introduction and objective

Created in 2008, the Image Processing Laboratory (LPI) of the University of Valencia is an ERI (Interdisciplinary Research Structure)

Introduction and objective

Created in 2008, the Image Processing Laboratory (LPI) of the University of Valencia is an Interdisciplinary Research Structure formed by four research groups -UGC, GPDS, GACE and LEO- with a common technological mission: "imaging" (creation of real images or geo-biophysical parameters) from satellite and remote sensing data.

Main research programs

The Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) consists of four research groups:


  • logoUGC
  • logoGPDS
  • logoGACE
  • logoLEO

Image Processing Laboratory news

IPL team takes part in game-changing ESA mission in Earth observation technology
Climatologist and researcher at IPL Verónica Nieves, runner-up of the iDanae Award for her excellent STEM professional career
New AI methodology to improve understanding of the planet in a climate change situation
High-frequency oscillations in the gigantic eruption of a neutron star captured with technology from the University of Valencia
A new weather forecasting model will help plan urban spaces in anticipation of the climate change effects
Gustau Camps, new member of the European Science Foundation

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