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Introduction and objective

ICMol was founded in 2000 to develop competitive and high quality research in materials science using a molecular approach.

Introduction and objective

Founded in 2000, the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol) of the Universitat de València is a center of excellence in Molecular Chemistry and Nanoscience.

Its objectives are focused on fields such as the design and synthesis of functional molecules, supramolecular associations and molecular materials with physical or chemical properties of interest.

Its areas of application range from molecular magnetism and electronics, to nanotechnology and biomedicine. Since 2016, it has been recognized with the accreditation of 'Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu'.

Main research programs

ICMol is the only research center in Spain focused exclusively on the molecular aspects of Nanoscience, with special emphasis on the study of functional molecules and materials that exhibit useful magnetic, electrical or optical properties.


  • logoMolecular Materials
  • logoTheoretical Chemistry
  • logoQuantum Chemistry
  • logoChemistry
  • logoCommutable Molecular Materials
  • logoSupramolecular Chemistry
  • logoChemical Reactivity
  • logoSolid State Spectroscopy

Institute for Molecular Science (UV) news

Eugenio Coronado receives the prestigious JSCC International Prize from the Japanese Society of Coordinating Chemistry
Gonzalo Abellán (ICMol) obtains a Proof of Concept from the ERC to promote the sustainable production of green hydrogen
The Institute of Molecular Science demonstrates scientific excellence and innovative capacity during the celebration of its 23rd Scientific Conference
ICMol researcher José J. Baldoví, winner of the Nou d'Octubre Xàtiva Award
ICMol researcher Rafael García Meseguer receives the prestigious José Elguero Bertolini Award
ICMol researcher José J. Baldoví, elected new president of the AccenT association

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