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Company directory and search engine

More than 70 science and technology-based companies make up our innovation ecosystem.

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AGROIND. ASESORESA technological consultancy in the fields of agronomy, veterinary medicine, the environment, agro-energy crops, viti-viniculture and the agri-food industry in general. See page
AGROMETODOSFormulation of innovative products for vegetable production and protection, within the framework of sustainable agriculture.See page
ALBAVALORDedicada al procesamiento y archivado de datos satélite críticos de la Agencia Espacial Europea (AEE)See page
AMARANTOAmaranto pools experience in both Engineering and the Law to offer intelligent solutions to companies and public administrations on environmental matters. See page
ANALOG DEVICESDevelopment Centre of the multi-national Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), dedicated mostly to R&D tasks in the area of design and manufacture of integrated micro-electronic circuits. See page
ARTHEx BIOTECHCompany dedicated to the development of a new drug aimed at the treatment of muscular dystrophy type 1 (DM1).See page
B&R AUTOMATIONAutomation solutions for machines and processing, motion control, human-machine interface (HMI) and integrated safety technology. See page
BIOPOLISA bio-technology company dedicated to the design, purification, validation and production of microbial strains and high value derivative products. See page
BIOTECH & NUTRITION RESEARCHBiotech and Nutrition Research S.L. es una compañía biotecnológica, especializada en la implementación de soluciones reales a través de nutracéuticos, derivadas de investigaciones científicas avaladasSee page
BIOTECHVANABiotech Vana S.L. (Biotechvana) is an SME in bio-informatics and computational biology created in 2006 as a University of Valencia spin-off . See page
Biond AgroBiotechnologyBiond AgroBiotechnology es una startup que utiliza alta tecnología para conseguir cultivos más productivos See page
CANNAFLOS GENETICS, S.L.Empresa europea de cannabis medicinal, especializada en la investigación y el desarrollo de genética de cannabis y promoción del desarrollo de medicamentos a base de cannabis.See page
CECTService of the UV. It offers numerous services with respect to management, cultivation and conservation of micro-organisms, as well as specific training. See page
CEINNMATAn R&D company that develops proprietary technologies for the treatment of materials, specializing in microwaves and nanotechnology.See page
CO2ZEROA business which allows companies and institutions to calculate, reduce and compensate their diffuse CO2 emissions through donations or investments.See page
CULTURALINKEmpresa consultora especializada en la investigación, el análisis, el asesoramiento y la planificación estratégica en el sector cultural y creativo.See page
CuarentaydosJosé Luis Oltra se especializa, por medio de su proyecto Cuarentaydos, en la divulgación y la comunicación de la ciencia en multitud de formatos. See page
DARWIN BIOPROSPECTING EXCELLENCECompany founded by scientists of the University of Valencia and from the CSIC, specialized in bio-propspecting services.See page
DAWAKOMedical device company with a vision to enable a new paradigm in the field of biomedical imagingSee page
DEEPSENSEdeepsense: la transformación del sector turístico a través de la analítica de datos y la inteligencia artificialSee page
DIINTEThe company has extensive experience in the optimisation at all levels of a company's organisation, especially in operations management, process management and communication positions.See page
DermaclaimDermaclaim es un laboratorio biotecnológico de investigación y desarrollo (I+D), especializado en el estudio de la piel y en el análisis de productos cosméticos, dermofarmacéuticos y nutracéuticosSee page
EDUKA10A Project specialised in offering personalised and on-line training services in real time, aimed at students, associations and companies.See page
EIT CLIMATE KICEl Centro Español de Innovación en Cambio Climático cuenta con cerca de 200 organizaciones asociadas, entre universidades, centros de investigación, empresas y entidades públicasSee page
ELITE SEEDSÉlite Seeds is a pioneer company and the only seed bank that has marijuana strains with a high THCV and CBDV content.See page
EPIDISEASEEpigenetic research for the development of innovative services and products in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. See page
ESAM TECNOLOGIAThe main activity of this University of Valencia spin-off company is the development, maintenance and consultancy of integral informatics and information systems. See page
EVOLUTIVE ADVANCEDDevelops business software oriented to Windows Phone's mobile and web environment through the use of innovative standards and Microsoft technology.See page
FRENETICDesarrolla tecnologías tanto de software como de hardware para implementar técnicas avanzadas como Inteligencia Artificial en los desarrollos de electrónica de potenciaSee page
FUNDACION CANNACANNA company´s non-profit initiative for studying and investigating the Cannabis plant and its active ingredients. See page
GENIA GLOBAL ENERGYBusiness group specialised in renewable energy and the energy efficiency sector. See page
GENOMIABIOTECHDNA/RNA technologies and other fields of biotechnology applied to the agri-food industry and medical researchSee page
GRUPO UBESOLGrupo Ubesol, integrado por Ubesol y Laboratorios Maverick, es especialista en productos innovadores para el cuidado personal y del hogar de la más alta calidad.See page
Green Environment Technologies (GET)Compañía agrócola y medioambiental fundada por una empresa de biotecnología con experiencia en agricultura científica y una empresa de comercio internacionalSee page
Greenbis LabsLa actividad de Greenbis Labs S.L. está basada en la importación, certificación y reacondicionamiento primario GMP de flor de Cannabis sativa de alta calidad para usos médicos y científicosSee page
HIGHLIGHT THERAPEUTICSIt is a bio-pharmaceutical company that focusses on the research and development of new oncological and autoimmune treatments. See page
Helenis BiocosmeticsStart up de biocosmética avanzada, que fusiona biotecnología y cosmética natural, enfocada especialmente en el cuidado del microbioma de la piel.See page
I MAS D SOLUTIONSDevelopment of integrated business management solutions to optimise processes and improve strategic decision making. See page
IMEGENIMEGEN, The Institute of Genomic Medicine designs excellent genetic analysis services aimed at diagnosis, prognosis and prevention. (Biotechnology, medicine and health).See page
IMP RESEARCH AND DISTRIBUTIONIMP Research and Distribution está focalizada en la investigación y desarrollo de medicamentos derivados del cannabisSee page
INTEGRAL RESEARCH GROUP (IRG)Integral Research Group (IRG) ha decidido apostar por la nanotecnología para el sector dental modificando termoplásticos con nanorrefuerzos de grafeno para fresado mediante tecnología CAD/CAMSee page
INTELLIGENT MONITORING SYSTEMS DRONESEmpresa compuesta por profesionales con una dilatada experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de alto valor tecnológico e infraestructuras.See page
INXPYRETrusted partners providing strategic advice on innovation management, management of R&D, product development and the market strategy for first-in-class wearable bio medtech solutions.See page
ITAISpecialised consultancy in small and medium businesses whose services help improve clients´ competitiveness and business image, reduce costs, and improve internal management. See page
JUAN DÍEZ ARQUITECTURAArquitectura altamente eficiente, Passive House y edificios de consumo casi nulo (ECCN).See page
LISTENICIt collects and analyses data on the perception of companies on the Internet, and helps them define and carry out their online strategy. See page
Lab CompassLab Compass works to improve the efficiency of a clinical or research laboratory.See page
LASER FOODA technology-based spin-off that develops high-tech solutions for the agri-food sector. See page
MOBILIZAMobiliza Consulting is a technology consulting company that has been providing solutions for more than 12 years in the health-care sector.See page
NOTHINGBUTNETDevelopment of new technologies and applications to improve the performance of professional, federated and basic sports practice.See page
OVERGENESOvergenes offers people the latest advances in health prevention with the most innovative genetic products on the market.See page
PERSISKINPersiskin es una empresa valenciana surgida como vocación de I+D y con el objetivo de dar valor a la cosecha agrícola desperdiciada.See page
POPLAC DEVELOPMENTEl futuro de la construcción pasa por la sostenibilidad y la utilización de nuevos materiales de construcción que contribuyan a la economía circular.See page
POROUS MATERIALS IN ACTIONPMA es la primera empresa española dedicada a la producción y valorización de materiales tipo MOF (del inglés Metal-organic framework)See page
QOMER BIOACTIVE INGREDIENTSTechnology-based social enterprise which develops its activity within the bio-technology sector. See page
RED HATLeading provider of open source software solutions worldwide, which uses a community-based approach to provide reliable and high-performance technologies.See page
SABARTECHInnovative biotechnology company dedicated to the transfer of new technologies in the health and oncology sectorSee page
SANTA BARBARA SMART HEALTHCompany focused on developing disruptive technology based on Artificial Intelligence in the field of Medicine.See page
SEQUENCIMULTIPLEXIt generates solutions for research and clinical applications, using the introduction of new techniques and advanced genetic platforms as a basis. See page
UBEThe third largest caprolactam producing company in the world, with a 10% market share, it also manufactures Nylon-6 and Co-polymer derivatives. See page
VALGENETICSValGenetics is specialised in R+D + I development and services in Diagnosis, Pathology, Genetics and Plant Biotechnology. See page
WAY2 ECOMMERCECompany specialized in the creation of high performance ecommerce portals. It offers knowledge, consulting, experience and succeed solutions for your online sales portal.See page
Würth ElektronikEsta compañía opera internacionalmente en tres mercados: componentes electromecánicos y electrónicos, placas de circuitos y sistemas de control inteligente de potencia.See page
XENOBIOTICSSpecialists in the areas of ecology, limnology, hydrobiology and ecotoxicology to meet the environmental quality and ecotoxicology needs demanded by companiesSee page

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