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(Industry and Nanotecnology)


CEINNMAT (INNCEINNMAT S.L.) is an R&D company that develops proprietary technologies for the treatment of materials, specialized in microwaves and nanotechnology. It develops and scales applications on demand for the ceramics, construction, metallurgy, mining, chemistry, petrochemical, recycling and water treatment industries.

It has been recognized as a supplier of industrial thermal treatment technologies with microwaves and associated electromagnetic processes.

Its activities have been recognised with the innovative SME seal (MINECO), Excellence Award Seals (European Commission) and the TOP3 Sustainability Award (Germany) for the DAPhNE project, FP7 314636. It is a member of the EIT-Raw Materials.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications

These are some of the products developed by CEINNMAT:

  •     Microwave oven type tunnel drying, dehydration, curing and thermal treatment of granular materials, laminar and surface treatment.
  •     Microwave furnaces in continuous flow of fusion of materials and processes of calcination and sintering.
  •     Electromagnetic treatments. Development of electromagnetic processes for mineral beneficiation and metallurgy.
  •     Industrial chemical reactors assisted with microwaves.
  •     Laboratory microwave reactors
  •     New Materials. CEINNMAT is a supplier of nanopigment products with up-conversion technology and other intelligent materials.
Benefits of Technology
  • CEINNMAT's microwave technology has been developed with the concepts of production flexibility, energy efficiency and adaptation to new processes. The portability of equipment and containerisable plants has been introduced for offshoring and flexible production with plug&play systems.
  • The clients obtains a competitive improvement by adapting to their needs the capacity of new developments for a better efficiency of the processes from the immediate moment of the implantation and putting into operation.
  • The technologies developed and applied by CEINNMAT allow for the recovery of waste and the reduction of the volume of harmful emissions. They are environmentally safe and non-polluting technologies, and contribute to the adaptation of industries to the objective of the 2030 European climate and energy framework.


Technology Applications
  • Technological services for the development of specific and difficult applications in new treatments and processes.
  • New recycling processes for material recovery.
  • Synthesis and characterisation of materials and new material analysis systems.
  • New processes for extractive metallurgy and advanced metallurgy, based on patented processes.
  • Very high temperature furnaces in continuous flow with new industrial processes.
  • Development and optimization of industrial processes with microwaves.


Sectors to which company is directed
  • The proprietary technologies developed are of horizontal application in various sectors, although CEINNMAT specialises in these sectors:  Raw Materials, Mining, Chemical, Metallurgy, Ceramics, Water Treatment, Nanotechnology and Food.
  • The equipment and processes of CEINNMAT are commercialized for industries and research laboratories.


Diego Carrasco Jiménez


Angel M. López Buendia

Chief Executive Officer

M.Mar Urquiola Casas

Raw Materials

Pilar Díaz Gómez


D. Eduardo Brau

Director de Ingeniería

D. Borja Mas

Investigador Mecatrónica

Dr. Pablo Botella

Investigador Materiales y Simulación

D. Jesús Danta


CEINNMAT company news

CEINNMAT hosts at the UV Science Park the first results meeting of the TransZeroWaste consortium to revalorize steel wasteRead more »

Contact information

M.Mar Urquiola CasasCOOmar.urquiola@ceinnmat.comMobile Phone: (+34) 609 624 170Phone: (+34) 963 64 02 57