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Introduction and objective

The Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV) had its origin in the initiative of a group of Research Units of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics of the University of Valencia.

Introduction and objective

Founded in 1995, the Institute of Materials Science of the Universitat de València (ICMUV) works in Applied Physics and Chemistry of materials and nanomaterials with applications in various fields, such as semiconductor and optical fiber physics, polymer chemistry or mesoporous materials.

Main research programs

The Institute of Materials Science of the University of Valencia (ICMUV) works in Applied Physics and Chemistry of materials and nanomaterials with applications in various fields, such as:


  • logoPolymer Science and Technology
  • logoNew Products, (fine chemistry)
  • logoCeramic Materials
  • logoSurface Treatment

Institute of Materials Science (UV) news

ICMUV staff in a European project to reduce energy in carbon fibre production
ICMUV team develops pioneering solution to convert wood waste into electricity
ICMUV participates in a study on the efficiency of luminescent nanomaterials for 3D printing, bioimaging or solar cells
Juan P. Martínez Pastor, new director of the Institute of Materials Science of the University of Valencia
The Institute of Materials Science of the University of Valencia celebrates its 25th anniversary
A study by the University of Valencia contributes to characterising the fusion of metals

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