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Advanced Services

The Science Park, in addition to contributing to the generation and development of business in the different strategic sectors of the economy, also welcomes companies and entities that provide transversal innovative (or supporting innovation) services in any business field.  In this way, it meets the needs of all sectors being consistent with the general nature of its own promoter, a University that researches and offers training in virtually all areas of knowledge.

In this way, the technological offer of Advanced Service companies in the PCUV ranges from consultancy and competitive intelligence, to the design and realisation of sociological studies, certification or business incubation.

This area of activity plays an important business support role within the Park itself, while contributing to the heightening of industrial competitiveness of services in the immediate environment.


Advanced Services

Our advanced services cluster in figures


Companies make up the biotechnology, medicine and health area of the Science Park.


Companies form the main core of the BIOregion of the Valencian Community (BIOval).


Qualified and stable jobs.

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Companies List

Engineering, Consulting and Advisory
ALBAVALORDedicada al procesamiento y archivado de datos satélite críticos de la Agencia Espacial Europea (AEE)See page
AMARANTOAmaranto pools experience in both Engineering and the Law to offer intelligent solutions to companies and public administrations on environmental matters. See page
CuarentaydosJosé Luis Oltra se especializa, por medio de su proyecto Cuarentaydos, en la divulgación y la comunicación de la ciencia en multitud de formatos. See page
DIINTEThe company has extensive experience in the optimisation at all levels of a company's organisation, especially in operations management, process management and communication positions.See page
EDUKA10A Project specialised in offering personalised and on-line training services in real time, aimed at students, associations and companies.See page
ITAISpecialised consultancy in small and medium businesses whose services help improve clients´ competitiveness and business image, reduce costs, and improve internal management. See page
JUAN DÍEZ ARQUITECTURAArquitectura altamente eficiente, Passive House y edificios de consumo casi nulo (ECCN).See page
MOBILIZAMobiliza Consulting is a technology consulting company that has been providing solutions for more than 12 years in the health-care sector.See page
Research, Development and Innovation
CULTURALINKEmpresa consultora especializada en la investigación, el análisis, el asesoramiento y la planificación estratégica en el sector cultural y creativo.See page

Featured projects

News from our advanced services companies

IVAC-Instituto de Certificación, the first accredited European entity to certify Data Protection Delegates

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