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(Advanced Services)


Professional services of advice, consultancy and technical assistance in Research, Development and Innovation (R+D + I) in project management, in new product and process technologies, in software development, in product and production engineering, in production organisation, in the organisation of companies in all areas of management and training related to the areas of technical assistance.

ITAI CONSULTING was created from the union of professionals in the field of engineering in its various fields, with more than 15 years of experience in the implementation and maintenance of ISO standards.  It specialises in Valencian SMEs. The consultancy works to improve competitiveness and image in the market, open new markets, access public tenders and competitions more successfully, improve internal business management and reduce costs.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications

Competencies to implement and maintain, amongst others, the following standards and organisational models:

  • ISO 9001:  quality management systems.
  • ISO 14001:  environmental management systems.
  • OHSAS 1800.  occupational health and safety management systems.
  • UNE-EN-ISO22000:  food safety management systems.
  • IFS:  International Food Standard.
  • Lean Manufacturing:  improvement of productive efficiency by reduction in unnecessary expenditure on resources.
  • EFQM:  self-assessment for the continuous improvement of management and business results, based on a European model, with international recognition.
  • 5s:  improvement in order and cleanliness to improve productivity and the work environment, increasing job security and employee motivation.
Benefits of Technology


  • The implementation of management systems in an organisation implies innovation and the transfer of internal and external technologies, which contributes objectively to the continuous improvement of efficiency and results.


  • The implementation of management systems in an organisation entails:
    • Increased efficiency and efficiency.
    • Cost reduction.
    • Increased training and involvement of workers.
    • Improvement of the image of the company.
    • Independent external recognition.
Technology Applications
  • Customised consulting of ISO standards.
  • Internal and supplier audits.
  • Customised training in ISO standards.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • Engineering.
  • Building.
  • Training.
  • Textile and Footwear.
  • Nutricion.
  • Services.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Innovation and New technologies.
  • Transport.

Contact information

Salomé Phone: (+34) 963 448 054