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(Industry and Nanotecnology)


LASER FOOD is a technology-based company that develops high-tech solutions for the agri-food sector.

The first developed product is a new patented technology for the indelible marking of food units, at origin. The aim of the marking is to achieve the unitary traceability of the pieces (various types of fruit and vegetables).


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

Download file of the Impulse to Business Development Programme (PIDE)

Technology offer

Technical Specifications
  • Development of innovative technologies for indelible marking directly on fresh agro-food products, replacing traditional labelling practices, and offering an increase in efficiency in the consumption of energy and raw materials.
  • The process of marking by laser consists of two stages:  in the first, a laser beam reproduces a design (logos, alphanumeric codes, etc.), on the piece´s surface, producing a slit on the outermost part of the piece;  in the second stage, and depending on the variety of the food item to be marked, either a contrast agent is applied to highlight the marking produced, or a coating product is applied to protect the marked area.  With both options, the technology of laser marking ensures the useful life of the piece, with the use of components compatible with the current legislation of food additives fit for human consumption.
  • Laser Food offers various solutions for the inclusion of laser marking technology in the production chain of the product processed at the client's facilities, through personalised adaptation based on the industrial machinery models developed by the company.
Benefits of Technology


  • Alternative and advantageous solutions to traditional methodologies for marking agri-food pieces.  Mainly the system of surface adhesive labels allows:
    • Individual marking, at unit level, of each piece of food with the versatility that this permits.
    • Unitary traceability, even up to the point of origin, thanks to the opportunity to identify each piece with individualised codes.
    • Easy integration of the laser marking stage in the different processes of agro-food production.
    • Flexibility when adapting traceability codes or logos to variations in industrial production.
    • Reduction in the amount of waste generated from the industrial process.  The production of adhesives, label support and ink production are unnecessary.
    • Reduction in energy consumption due to the elimination of numerous industrial stages currently employed:  paper production, logo printing, contact with the adhesive, etc.


  • Unitary traceability provides an added value, since food safety is guaranteed in terms of its origin and/or quality.
  • The reinforcement in the differentiation of the product, through the inclusion of logos and personalised graphics.  With the differentiation of such agri-food pieces, the products on the market can be unequivocally identified, justifying an increase in the piece´s price and, therefore, a higher profitability.
  • The marking technology used provides indelible identification on the piece´s surface.  Any attempt at its modification or withdrawal will leave visible destructive signs that will betray manipulation.
Technology Applications
  • Marketing of those fruits (melons and watermelons) which are identified with symbols and logos that establish their origin.
  • Marking solutions using this technology on other fruit varieties, among others: tomatoes, bananas, kiwis and apples.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • Agri-food sector:  traceability control of the products that they market.  These companies include both those responsible for clothing and those related to its marketing.

LASER FOOD company news

PersiSKIN moves forward in the international commercialization of its first vegan persimmon textileRead more »
Laser Food registers in Europe the brand 'Natural Branding' to refer to natural food labeling by laser markingRead more »

Contact information

Jaime Phone: (+34) 961 118 590