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(Biotechnology, Medicine and Health)


AGROMÉTODOS S.A., is a Spanish company established in 1986 and recognised by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with its innovative SME stamp.  Its main mission is the research, development and marketing of products based on natural extracts, special nutrients and other specialties for use in the framework of a modern and sustainable agriculture.

One of the main priorities of Agrométodos is continuous investment in R+D + I, with the objective of confirming and demonstrating the excellent results obtained in its field by its products from the laboratory, and in tests designed and carried out on a smal scale. This knowledge allows them to train their technicians, disseminate research and advise other technicians and farmers with rigor and reliability.

They have numerous advanced research projects in which they have actively participated, thanks to the agreements and collaborations signed with prestigious research centres, both in Spain and abroad.  Proof of its success are the numerous publications and scientific articles related to their products and technologies.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications
  • Agromethods offers a complete range of natural products of its own formulation, composed of vegetable extracts, modulators of secondary metabolism, special nutrients, mycorrhization facilitators, soil conditioners, calcium correctors, iron and other nutrients.
  • These products have been created with the objective of promoting the health of crops, and improving the efficiency of nutritional programmes by increasing the quality and production output of crops.
  • Its BROTOMAX® product stands out, due to the proven effectiveness in the modulation of secondary plant metabolism.
  • Their specialties range from a favouring of mycorrhisation and root formation (CORRIZ-AM®), through special products for the improvement of fruit setting (BIOHIDRAMAR®CUAJE), or fattening (AM-EN®) to algae cream (BIOHIDRAMAR®CREMA), without forgetting the LANZADERA® range, which permits toxicity avoidance, and in a natural way, in any cation such as Calcium, Copper, Iron or Potassium.
Benefits of Technology
  • Many of these products are specially indicated for treatment on farms that follow the Integrated Production of Crops models, compatible with the environment, and being certified as authorised inputs for use in Ecological Agriculture.  This guarantees greater security for both the farmer and the final consumer.
  • Its mission is to bring the research closer to the farmer.
Technology Applications

Agromethods has a complete range of natural products of own formulation:

  • Compounds based on natural extracts
  • Modulators of secondary metabolism
  • Special nutrients
  • Favours of mycorrhisation
  • Ground conditioners
  • Correctors of calcium, iron and other nutrients

Contact information Phone: (+34) 913 524 396