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I National Congress of Social Responsibility and Cooperativism
January, 23th 9:0 Auditorium Marie Curie

I National Congress of Social Responsibility and Cooperativism


Time: 9:00 hores

Location: Auditorium Marie Curie


The auditorium Marie Curie of the University of Valencia Science Park (PCUV) will host the First National Congress of Social Responsability and Cooperativism.

It will be inaugurated, at 9:30 am, by the conseller of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor, Rafael Climent; the conseller of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation, Manuel Alcaraz; the principal of the Universitat de València, María Vicenta Mestre; and the Mayor of Burjassot, Rafael García.

Among the speakers, there are figures from the Public Administration committed to social responsibility, such as Federico Buyolo, Director of the Office of the High Commissioner of the Government of Spain for the 2030 Agenda; Leire Pajín, president of the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS); María Antonia Pérez León, General Director of Autonomous Work, Social Economy and Social Responsibility of Companies of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security; and Francisco Álvarez, General Director of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism of the Generalitat.

For his part, Hervé Falciani, HSBC computer technician who in 2008 leaked the data of thousands of fraudsters with accounts in the bank, will address the role of the blockchain as a technology at the service of sustainability. Specifically, Falciani, who resides in Spain as a protected witness, has presented a project of the Tactical Whistleblower association that promotes 'tabu', a sustainable cryptocurrency, based on an initial offer of coins (ICO, for its acronym in English).

Falciani, ex de HSBC, lanza en España la criptomoneda sostenible 'tabu'

Hervé Falciani, el informático que entregó a las autoridades francesas la lista de miles de personas que estaban evadiendo impuestos con cuentas en la rama suiza del banco HSBC, ha presentado en España un proyecto de la asociación Tactical Whistleblower que promociona 'tabu', una criptomoneda sostenible, basada en una oferta inicial de monedas (ICO, por sus siglas en inglés), lanzada el pasado 14 de julio.

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Managers in private companies that are committed to the social responsibility model will also participate, such as Ana Gascón, director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Coca Cola; Javier Quiles, director of External Relations of Consum; and Antonio González, director of Impact Hub Madrid. There will also be a number of people in charge of cooperativism, such as Emili Villaescusa, president of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Comunitat Valenciana.

Free registration to the congress can be done at the following link: