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The Science Park offers companies, entities and organizations a set of services and facilities with the aim of facilitating the start-up and development of their activities, their consolidation and growth.

Along with the availability of multipurpose work areas -offices, laboratories and meeting rooms of different sizes for common use-, it also offers different business support services, in terms of information and training, for obtaining grants and funding, for internationalization and transnational cooperation, and also for communication and networking.

Companies located in the Park also have preferential access to the programs, products and services of different organizations, both belonging to the University of Valencia and other areas of the economic and business environment with which the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation has established collaboration agreements.

An example of this is the agreement for the use of the scientific-technological resources of the Central Support Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE); the transfer of research results carried out by the Research and Innovation Service; the attraction of talent in collaboration with the Observatory for Professional Insertion and Employment Advice (OPAL); training for entrepreneurship through the University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia (ADEIT); preferential access to the guarantees granted by the SGR; and the financing agreements established with different banks (Banco Santander, Caixa Popular, MicroBank).

General Services

For companies and entities located at the PCUV:

Also open to external clients:

Do you want to know more about the services offered by the Science Park?

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