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Preferential access to university organizations

Science Park works to favour knowledge generation in a variety of areas for the integration of scientific, academic, technological and industrial interests. ultimate goal is to transfer technology to companies in order to meet society´s needs. To achieve this, amongst its many services, it makes preferential access to the University of Valencia´s different organisms available to companies and entities. Specifically, it provides:

  • Preferential access to the UVEG´s scientific and technological resources through the Central Service of Support for Experimental Research (SCSIE)
  • Transfer of research results through access and collaboration with the Research and Innovation Service
  • Employment and talent attraction in collaboration with UVjob
  • Access to entrepreneurship support programs through UVemprén
  • Entrepreneurship training through the University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia (ADEIT)
acceso preferente servicios universitat valencia

Preferential access to UVEG's scientific and technological resources


The companies and entities installed in the PCUV have preferential access to the University of Valencia´s scientific-technological resources through the Central Service of Support for Experimental Research (SCSIE), a general service of technological resources the purpose of which is to provide centralised and integrated support to the University community´s research, plus to companies and public and private institutions.

It is organised into 14 sections, which include scientific-technical services related to different areas of research, health and industry. These are: nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray, mass spectrometry, atomic spectroscopy, optical and electronic microscopy, genomics, proteomics, bio-informatics, blown glass workshop, cell cultures, aquarium plant, animal production, greenhouses and environmental radioactivity.

Its purposes are, amongst others, to solve problems related to the characterisation and analysis of raw materials; structural determination of organic and inorganic substances and compounds; morphological studies of all kinds of inorganic and biological materials, using confocal microscopy techniques; environmental impact assessment; determination of total a/B indices in air, water, soils and sediments; nucleic acid sequencing; analysis of agri-food products; detection of transgenic material; diagnosis of inherited diseases; identification of genes in animal and plant improvement; and forensic genetic tests.


Transfer of research results


This Central Service acts as a technical and administrative support structure for the Vice-Rector for Research and Scientific Policy, and for the Research Commission, and performs the functions of advice, information, dissemination, promotion, management, monitoring and justification of the various elements in the area of research, together with the transfer of the results and knowledge thus generated into society.

The Research Service is organised internally into six sections:

  • Contracted R & D + I, mainly dedicated to the management of R+D + I and its related activities conducted under the protection of Art. 83 of the Organic University Law (LOU). It includes the negotiation, drafting, review, invoicing and legal-administrative follow-up of contracted R+D + I activities and related legal business.
  • R&D & I Support Resources and Programmes, responsible for the management of human capital recruitment devoted to research and the mobility of R&D & I personnel, together with the justification and economic-administrative monitoring of R&D & I grants in terms of personnel and mobility, the design and management of calls for its own R+D + I Programme, and the evaluation of its activity.
  • I+D+I International, dedicated to promote and manage the participation of researchers from the University of Valencia in different European R+D +I initiatives (Horizon 2020, COST, LIFE, etc.) and, in general, those of an international nature, through the different available sources of financing. It also endeavours to dynamise and promote participation in international research programmes considered of strategic advantage for the University.
  • Subsidised R+D + I, which deals with the management of R+D + I projects and related public-private collaborative activities, as well as the promotion of participation in national and regional R+D + I projects and initiatives, and their justification and economic-administrative follow-up.
  • Innovation, Evaluation and Entrepreneurship, is mainly dedicated to the appraisal of research capabilities and results leading to an effective transfer into production, either through licence to companies and other entities, or through the creation of Technological Base (EBTs). Furthermore, this section deals with the management of intellectual and industrial property rights derived from the research activity, the management of the University's own grant programme with respect to the evaluation and transfer of technology, and the management of the initiatives developed within the framework of the University of Valencia´s Empren + programme for the revitalisation of an entrepreneurial culture and co-operation in R+D + I.
  • Financial Control, Audit and Structural Funds of R+D + I, dedicated to the control of R+D + I´s economic management, the justification of contracted R&D + I activities, plus audit management together with the application, follow-up and justification of infrastructures and structural R+D + I funding.

Employment and talent attraction

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UVjob is a service of the University of Valencia that aims to help all students and graduates of the academic institution in the labor market as well as to improve their professional possibilities.

Moreover, it has a complete range of services aimed at companies and entities, :to which those installed in the Science Park have preferential access. Some of them are:

  • Placement agency. Manage job offers of different profiles by contacting job offer and demand. On the one hand, job seekers can include their resume and, on the other hand, companies can manage their job offers.
  • Business Directory. It offers to the collaborating companies of the Employment Area the possibility of consulting the contact details of the people in charge of the selection. This directory works as another way of recruitment for companies and it is a way to facilitate self-candidacy for users.
  • Employment Forum. It consists of a series of conferences that are organized at the University of Valencia in order to put companies and job seekers in direct contact. In addition to stands, conferences, talks and training workshops aimed at the university community are held in the forums that serve as a point of reference in the active job search.
  • Recruitment advice: Information on the hiring modalities available.

Training in innovation and entrepreneurship

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UVemprén is an institutional strategy for attracting university talent, training in innovation and validating ideas and projects of social importance, coordinated by the Office of the Vice Principal for Employment and Training Programs through the Policies for Excellence Office.

Among the specific services offered to companies and entities of the Science Park, the following stand out:

  •      Encourage the creation of entrepreneurship classrooms
  •      Participate in institutional mentoring programs aimed at students
  •      Participate in the fairs and entrepreneurship forums of which UVemprén is a part
  •      Participate in institutional programs and competitions, such as 5UCV Startup.
  •      Participate in UVemprén Club.
  •      Access the information contained in the Bank of Ideas and the talent bank We Are of the student body that has been successfully trained in the UVemprén programs.

Entrepreneurship training


The University-Business Foundation of the University of Valencia (ADEIT), acts as a bridge between the University of Valencia and companies, through a variety of services:

  • Employment Area: Companies and entities can receive graduates with practical vocational training grants for a period of six months to two years.
  • A la Carte Training for Companies: It aims to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness and innovation of a company or entity. It is based on the knowledge transfer by the teaching and research staff at the University of Valencia.
  • E-learning: Through an online learning service, companies and entities can use the ADEIT Virtual Classroom to organise their online training courses.
  • Holding of Congresses, Seminars and Conferences: As a professional or entrepreneur one can attend Congresses, Seminars, Conferences and other activities that take place at ADEIT Headquarters. Leading figures in the social field, innovation and the economy are the main protagonists.

Would you like to enjoy PCUV´s services?

Contact us and we shall advise you