Innovative and technological companies

The Park's companies grow in an ecosystem that fosters the development of research, development and innovation activities. In this sense, more than 76% of the installed companies innovated in the last year, and at present, this unique environment has a total of 136 patents granted.

Among the main areas of activity of the companies that make up our science park are: agri-food-biotechnology; medicine and health; information, computing and telecommunications (ICT); and engineering, consulting and advisory services.

More information about Park companies in PIDE

Las empresas del parc

PCUV companies in figures

direct jobs in PCUV companies


companies form the PCUV


of total turnover of all the companies installed in the PCUV

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Company news

An I2SysBio team determines the factors that allow the mutation of a human RNA virus and facilitate its contagion
Kick-off meeting of the HistSHOCK clinical trial in Valencia
IATA study finds that gut microbiota produces enzymes that inactivate hormones responsible for blood glucose control

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