Infoworkshop Horizon Europe | Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
May 25, 2021 10 a.m. Online

Infoworkshop Horizon Europe | Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment


Within the framework of the Strategy of the Generalitat Valenciana for national and regional coordination in R&D&I, which aims to increase and improve the participation of all the agents of the Region in the Horizon Europe Program, this infoworkshop has been organized. The purpose is to complement the information provided during the National Infoday and resolve any doubts that may arise after reviewing in detail the Work Program. In addition, inspiring success stories for new proposals will be presented and meetings will be organized to review proposals in preparation with CDTI's NCP.

To participate in this event organized by IVACE, REDIT and SEIMED , it is essential to register in the tab 'How to Register' of the following link: