Networking between IATA and the companies of the Science Park
May, 17th 9:00 am Conference Room

Networking between IATA and the companies of the Science Park


Time: 9:30

Location: Sala de Conferències de l'IATA


The Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) and the FPCUV are organizing a scientific-technological networking so that the research team of the CSIC institute and the companies installed in the Science Park can share the developments they are carrying out. The ultimate goal is to look for possible ways of transfer or collaboration. It will be Friday, May 17 in breakfast format. After the exchange of projects, the heads of the CSIC institute will guide the participants in a visit to the research center.

If you are interested in attending, please confirm your attendance through the link of the intranet ESPAI PCUV. We kindly ask you to register before May 14th.