Seminar IATA-CSIC |
April, 16th 12:30 pm Online

Seminar IATA-CSIC | "Neanderthals and Human Evolution", by Antonio Rosas


Neanderthals usually evoke the image of beings very close to us but, at the same time, different, distant and enigmatic. Faced with the repeated question of 'where we came from', human societies have constructed their own particular story to answer this unknown. In this field, due to the large amount of information we currently receive about this now extinct human species, it is not always easy to distinguish scientific conclusions from those interpretations based on its classical and topical image. For this reason, on Friday, April 16 at 12:30 pm, Antonio Rosas, CSIC research professor and expert in biology and paleoanthropology, will give the seminar Neanderthals and Human Evolution.

The access to this conference organized by the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) will be through the following link:

At the end of the lecture, there will be a question and answer session that can be sent through the session chat or by activating the camera and the microphone for those who wish to consult.