Speed-Café Networking with UVocupacio
January 25th 9:00 Boardroom

Speed-Café Networking with UVocupacio


Having a placement agency and an advisory service in hiring personnel are two of the benefits for companies offered by the UVocupació area of ​​the University of Valencia. In addition, it has a directory where the access data of the Human Resources managers of the companies are collected in order to facilitate the self-candidacy of the users.

To learn about these services and to be able to transfer the real needs of the companies installed in the Science Park, next Friday, January 25th, we will have the presence of its director, Marisol Quintanilla, in a new Speed-Café Networking.

In parallel, four of the new companies that have recently arrived at the PCUV will be presented to the attendees. Do not forget your cards. You could find among the participants a new client, supplier or partner, to which you join, at least, an innovative offer.



Para conocer de cerca estos servicios y poder trasladarles las necesidades reales de las empresas instaladas en el Parc Científic, el próximo viernes 25 de enero contaremos con la presencia de su directora, Marisol Quintanilla, en un nuevo Speed-Café Networking.

Paralelamente, se presentarán a los asistentes cuatro de las nuevas empresas que han llegado recientemente al PCUV. No olvides tus tarjetas por si encuentras entre los participantes un nuevo cliente, proveedor o socio, al que te une, como mínimo, una oferta innovadora.


The format of the breakfast will be as follows:

9:00-9:20h        Breakfast

9:20-9:45h        Communication from Marisol Quintanilla, director of UV Ocupació

9:45-9:55h        Question Time

9:55-10:25h      Presentation of four new companies

10:25-10:30h    Closing

Do not miss this opportunity to interact with the companies you live with and know about their latest developments! To attend, all you have to do is click on the link that you find at the end of the event created in ESPAI PCUV: https://www.pcuv.es/es/intranet/eventos/speed-cafe-uv-ocupacio