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La hoja de ruta hacia la internacionalización: Estrategia online
November, 19th 9:00am Boardroom

La hoja de ruta hacia la internacionalización: Estrategia online


The main objective of this workshop is to promote the internationalization of companies and enhance their business abroad through digital marketing. In a personalized way, Consortia Consultores will teach you how to use electronic platforms for e-commerce; how to position yourself on the web through SEO and SEM International; and how to address the fiscal and legal aspects of online commerce.

The points of the program that will be addressed in the day are:

  •     Digital marketing and e-commerce
  •     SEO and international SEM. Online positioning strategies
  •     Analysis of digital environments
  •     E-commerce and its application
  •     Online store
  •     The electronic platforms
  •     Tax, legal, etc. of online commerce
  •     Digital expansion versus conventional expansion
  •     Case and experience analysis
  •     Exercises and dynamics

As in the previous workshop, attendees will be able to receive personalized advice and support on these subjects taught. For this, an express request is required that will be recorded on the registration form itself. Places are limited, so the order of registration will be met.


The workshop will be given by Consortia Consultores, a consultancy specialized in the internationalization of companies, export consortiums and strategic alliances that has extensive experience, as well as being a collaborator of different chambers of commerce and Spanish public entities for the promotion of foreign trade.


The day is face-to-face and free. However, people interested in attending must register previously by filling out this form.


If you need additional information about the day or want to answer any questions, contact the Communication and Marketing area of ​​the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation: / 96 354 38 41.