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Representative bodies: Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees of the Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València is composed of the following representative bodies:



Universitat de València-Estudi General, in the person of the Rector Ms. M.ª Vicenta Mestre Escrivà.


1st Vice-presidency

Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. Rosa María Donat Beneito.


2nd Vice-Presidency

Business Confederation of the Valencian Community, currently represented by Mr. Salvador Navarro Pradas.



General Secretary of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. M.ª Elena Olmos Ortega.



Banco Santander, S.A., currently represented by Mr. José Miguel Lorente Ayala.


Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Valencia, currently represented by Mr. Jorge Linares Ferrán.


Management of the Parc Científic de la Universitat de Valencia, currently held by Mr. Pedro Carrasco Sorlí.


Management of the University of Valencia, position currently held by Mr. Juan Vicente Climent Espí.


Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras del País Valencià (CCOO), currently represented by Ms. Ana M.ª García Alcolea.


City Council of Valencia, currently represented by Mr. Carlos Galiana Llorens.


City Council of Paterna, currently represented by Mr. Juan Antonio Sagredo Marco.


Agencia Estatal del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), represented by Mr. Juan A. Fuster Verdú (pending acceptance and appointment of representative).


Vice-rectorate for Research of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla.


Vice-Rector's Office for Economics and Infrastructure of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Justo Herrera Gómez.


Vice-rectorate for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. María Pilar Serra Añó.


Burjassot City Council, currently represented by Mr. Rafael García García.


Vice-rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Carles Padilla Carmona.


Vice-rectorate for Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Joaquín Aldás Manzano.


Generalitat Valenciana, currently represented by the Executive Vice President of the Valencian Innovation Agency, Mr. Andrés García Reche.


Vice-Rector for Lifelong Learning, Teaching Transformation and Employment of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. Ángeles Solanes Corella.


Date of update: 26/01/2023

Altos cargos

The Board of Trustees of the Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València is composed of the following representative bodies:



Universitat de València-Estudi General, in the person of the Rector Ms. M.ª Vicenta Mestre Escrivà.


1st Vice-presidency

Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. Rosa María Donat Beneito.


2nd Vice-Presidency

Business Confederation of the Valencian Community, currently represented by Mr. Salvador Navarro Pradas.



General Secretary of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. M.ª Elena Olmos Ortega.



Banco Santander, S.A., currently represented by Mr. José Miguel Lorente Ayala.


Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Valencia, currently represented by Mr. Jorge Linares Ferrán.


Management of the Parc Científic de la Universitat de Valencia, currently held by Mr. Pedro Carrasco Sorlí.


Management of the University of Valencia, position currently held by Mr. Juan Vicente Climent Espí.


Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras del País Valencià (CCOO), currently represented by Ms. Ana M.ª García Alcolea.


City Council of Valencia, currently represented by Mr. Carlos Galiana Llorens.


City Council of Paterna, currently represented by Mr. Juan Antonio Sagredo Marco.


Agencia Estatal del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), represented by Mr. Juan A. Fuster Verdú (pending acceptance and appointment of representative).


Vice-rectorate for Research of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla.


Vice-Rector's Office for Economics and Infrastructure of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Justo Herrera Gómez.


Vice-rectorate for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. María Pilar Serra Añó.


Burjassot City Council, currently represented by Mr. Rafael García García.


Vice-rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Carles Padilla Carmona.


Vice-rectorate for Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies of the University of Valencia, currently held by Mr. Joaquín Aldás Manzano.


Generalitat Valenciana, currently represented by the Executive Vice President of the Valencian Innovation Agency, Mr. Andrés García Reche.


Vice-Rector for Lifelong Learning, Teaching Transformation and Employment of the University of Valencia, currently held by Ms. Ángeles Solanes Corella.


Date of update: 26/01/2023