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PIDE 2024

PIDE 2023Take part in the survey »

PIDE 2023

PIDE 2023Take part in the survey »


On the occasion of the eighth edition, the University of Valencia Science Park Fundation (FPCUV) launches the Business Development Program (PIDE) 2023, with the purpose of knowing, through a survey, the characteristics of the companies located in the Parc Científic de la Universitat de la Universitat de València (PCUV), measure the evolution and trajectory of its main indicators, measure the degree of satisfaction with the services offered by the PCUV and improve the visibility and knowledge of the companies that belong to the PCUV in their regional, national and international environment to help boost their business growth. This program is funded by the Conselleria of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana.

As every year, we invite you to participate in the survey, for which we encourage you to follow the following points:

  • It is necessary that the person responsible for the direction, management, administration, or any other managerial position of the company answers the survey.
  • The estimated response time is approximately 15 minutes.
  • The information you provide will be treated in an aggregated form, never particular data of your company will be revealed.
  • The data will be statistically analyzed to prepare a report of results and a specific report on the perception and valuation of the services offered by the PCUV, which you can receive by email, and both will be published on this website.

You can participate in the survey by clicking here.

The Objectives of this survey are:
  • To better understand the characteristics of those companies/entities accommodated.
  • To identify success stories, as well as better business practices.
  • To propose innovative solutions in cross-cutting issues, such as financing, training, innovation, internationalisation, marketing, etc.
  • To encourage dialogue and contact between all the business ecosystem participants: administrations, companies, entrepreneurs, financial entities, investment funds, individuals and society in general.
  • To improve the visibility and knowledge of the companies/entities located in the Park in their immediate surroundings.
  • To know the perception and valuation that companies have of the PCUV, in order to improve its value offer.
  • To know the business profiles of the companies housed in the PCUV according to different variables.
Objetivos encuesta
PIDE 2020 REPORTDownload PDF


The main conclusions of the Program (in reference to fiscal year 2021) were as follows:


General aspects

  • The main areas of activity in which the PCUV companies are grouped are: "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" (38.5%), "ICT" (20.5%), "Industrial, Materials and Nanotechnology" (19.2%), "Advanced Services" (12.8%) and "Energy and Environment" (9.0%).

  • 80% of the PCUV companies base their products and/or services on some innovative technology. 

  • The most used technologies are "Artificial Intelligence", "Big Data", "Cloud Computing" and "Nanotechnology and new materials".  

  • 91% of the companies are commercial companies (S.L., S.L.U., S.A. or S.A.U.).  

  • 92% of the companies in the PCUV have their registered office in the Valencian Community

  • 25.7% of the companies in the PCUV are less than 5 years old and 67.5% are between 5 and 24 years old.

  • 55.1% of the total number of companies have been housed in the PCUV facilities for 5 years or more.

  • 79.6% of the PCUV companies do not belong to any business group. Of the 11 companies that are part of a group, 5 groups are multinational and 6 are national.



  • 18.2% of the companies in the PCUV are headed by women.  

  • Regarding the size of the companies by number of employees, 72.2% of the companies have less than 10 employees (micro companies), 18.0% have between 10 and 49 employees (small companies) and 5.6% have between 50 and 249 employees (medium-sized companies). 4.2% of the companies have more than 250 employees (large companies). 

  • 72 of the total of 78 PCUV companies and entities for which information could be obtained have 1,892 employees. However, extracting the 3 companies and/or entities (which we consider outliers, since they have more than three times the standard deviation of the sample), the remaining 69 companies and entities directly employ approximately 863 employees, which means an average of 12.5 workers per company, with a median of 4 workers. It should also be noted that there are companies with a maximum of 190 employees and others with 0 employees.

  • Thus, micro-enterprises generate 20% of direct jobs in the PCUV, small enterprises employ 29% of the employees while medium-sized enterprises employ 51% of the employees.

  • Regarding the gender of employees, 52.0% are men and 48.0% are women.

  • Regarding the employees' university degree, 84.1% have higher university studies (of which 51.3% have a Master's and/or Doctorate degree). 

  • Of the employees, 83.6% have a permanent contract.


Innovation and intellectual and/or industrial property

  • The main type of company innovation is product and/or service innovation, followed by process innovation.

  • A total of 33.4% of the companies allocate more than half of their budget to research and development (R&D)

  • 84.4% of the companies state that the innovations they carry out are based on internal R&D.

  • 48.9% state that more than 50% of their sales in 2021 will come from the innovations introduced.   

  • The most common intellectual and/or industrial properties are trademarks and patents.  There are 17 companies that have patents granted. The total number of patents owned or co-owned by PCUV companies is 617.


Financial data

  • The average balance sheet amount of the PCUV companies amounts to 2,603,246.31 euros, with companies with a minimum balance sheet value of 10,153.00 euros and a maximum value of 27,598,697.00 euros.

  • Of the 43 PCUV companies for which data could be obtained, they had a total turnover of 80,375,224.00 euros (last available fiscal year 2021 or 2020), resulting in an average of 1,869,191.26 euros per company, with companies whose turnover was less than 10,000.00 euros and others that obtained a turnover in excess of 13,000,000.00 euros.

  • In the last two years, 68.6% of the companies stated that they had financed themselves through self-financing.



  • 48.1% of the companies reported making sales/services abroad

  • The European Union (excluding Spain) is the region where most of the PCUV companies' foreign sales/services were concentrated.



  • Companies consider "Establishing alliances/partnerships" and "Increasing awareness/reputation" as the most important resources for company growth.

  • In terms of performance expectations for 2022, 59.2% of companies expect to be able to achieve better results in 2022 compared to 2021.


PCUV company profile by area of activity 

  • With regard to the balance sheet, the "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" business area has the highest average amount with 4,175,058.90 euros, followed by the "ICT" business area with an average amount of 3,247,340.30 euros. 
  • In terms of turnover, the "ICT" area of activity is the area with the highest average amount with 2,837,612.44 euros, followed by the "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" area with an average value of 2,399,037.69 euros.
  • With regard to the result for the year, the area of activity with the highest average amount is the "ICT" area with a value of 191,970.30 euros, followed by the "Energy and Environment" area with an average figure of 155,609.00 euros.
  • The area of activity with the highest amount of intangible assets is "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" with an average value of 1,792,786.62 euros.
  • The area of activity with the highest average amount of tangible fixed assets is "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" with an average amount of 495,140.11 euros. 
  • In terms of equity, the area of activity with the highest average amount is also "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology" with an amount of 2,488,007.75 euros.
  • The area of activity with the highest personnel expenditure per employee is the "ICT" area with an average expenditure of 42,546.01 euros per person.
  • The area of activity with the highest productivity per employee is the "Energy and Environment" area with a turnover of 188,563.86 euros per employee.
  • The area of activity with the highest number of companies that made sales/services abroad is the area of "Medicine, Health and Biotechnology".


PCUV service assessment 

  • Overall, 91.7% of the companies are very or fairly satisfied with the PCUV

  • As to whether they would recommend the PCUV to a friend looking for a location for his/her company, the average score obtained was 8.6 points out of 10.

  • Regarding the services offered by the PCUV, the best rated are "Attendance at activities, conferences, workshops, seminars, training, etc." and "Communication and marketing", with average scores of 4.2 and 4.1 points out of 5, respectively.

  • Regarding the statements about the PCUV, the best rated by the companies is that "I would like my company to remain in the PCUV for a long period of time".

Previous editions