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A decade of entrepreneurial activity in the PCUV

The present study, together with other analyzes that the University of Valencia Science Park (FPCUV) has been carrying out in recent years within the framework of the Business Development Boost Program (PIDE), is a key to knowing the companies that have been installed in the University of Valencia Science Park (PCUV) for its degree of innovation and its economic impact.

The PCUV has been consolidated in these last 10 years as an innovation ecosystem, catalyst of the Valencian economy based on knowledge and technology intensive. In 2017 the total accounting result of the companies currently located in the park is almost 50 million euros, a figure that has a direct impact on the Comunitat Valenciana, due to 93.9% of the firms are located in its territory.

The main data extracted from this study are:
  • 201 companies have been installed in the University of Valencia Science Park (2008-2018)
  • 87 companies hosted as of December 31, 2018
  • 8 out of 100 companies that have been installed in the PCUV remain active
  • Companies have an average age of 10 years
  • Of the staff employed, 85% have higher university studies. Of these, two out of 10 professionals have a doctorate
  • Most companies have a research and development CNAE
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Analysis of the status and performance of companies installed in the Science Park (2008-2018)Download PDF


  • Growth has been constant, going from 19 entities in 2008 to 87 at the end of 2018. Proof of this is the expansion of the different spaces to accommodate more entities, so that currently the PCUV has the following business housing infrastructures: Building 1 of Scientific-Technological Services (SC), Building 2 of Biotechnology and Functional Foods (BIOTEC), Building 3 corresponding to the University Business Center (CUE), the Business Incubator and the Business Incubator (the latter, divided between Building 1 SC and the Beatriu Civera Building of the Tarongers Campus of the University of Valencia).
  • In terms of legal form, most of the entities that have been located in the PCUV have chosen the Limited Liability Company form (81.1%). To a lesser extent are the self-employed professionals (7%) and the Limited Liability Company (3%). Associations and foundations have a relative weight of 2.5%. Finally, with a lesser weight, cooperatives (1%), community property (1%) and a public law corporation (0.5%) should be mentioned.
  • In order to analyze the activities carried out by the companies that have set up in the PCUV, we have based ourselves on the National Code of Economic Activities (CNAE). In this sense, most of the companies are included in research and development (20.9%). This is followed by companies engaged in programming, consulting and other computer-related activities (14.7%). In third place are companies engaged in architectural and engineering technical services; technical testing and analysis (9.6%). This is followed by companies engaged in education (7.3%), business management consulting activities (5.6%) and other professional, scientific and technical activities (5.6%).
  • Most of the companies that have set up in the PCUV are still in the province of Valencia (89%). In a lower percentage appears Madrid, where some multinationals are located (5%). By proximity, it is followed by Alacant (3%) and Castelló (2%). And finally, Barcelona, A Coruña and Murcia (1%).
  • 20% of the companies that have set up in the PCUV are (or have been) run by women.
  • The total number of trademarks for the companies that have been located in the PCUV in these 10 years is 160. The total number of trademarks obtained by companies managed by women (93) has been higher than that of men (59).
  • In 2017, 81 entities (out of 201) employed 2,824 people. The gender breakdown is distributed as 64% male and 36% female.
  • According to the official classification of companies by number of employees, most of the companies that have set up in the PCUV have been micro-enterprises with 1 to 9 employees (56.8%). In addition, 96% of all companies are classified as SMEs, with only 3.7% being large companies (with more than 250 employed professionals).
  • In 2017, the 81 companies for which we have information record a balance sheet amount of more than €854 million. If we do not take into account the 6 largest entities, the total balance sheet amount amounts to €55.35 million. Along these lines, and excluding the largest companies, the average balance sheet amount for 2017 is €738,033.
  • One of the most important characteristics of the companies that have settled in the PCUV is innovation as the basis of their business. To understand the innovation efforts of the companies, the value of the intangible fixed assets of the companies must be analyzed. The companies that have set up in the PCUV have an average of 141,968 € of intangible fixed assets and 93,132 € of tangible fixed assets.
  • Of the total number of companies for which we have data (excluding the aforementioned 6 large companies), in 2017 the total turnover of the companies that have set up in the PCUV amounts to more than €52 million. Most of the companies are in the range between €100,000 and €500,000 (33%), followed by companies with less than €50,000 turnover (22%). With smaller percentages we find companies with a turnover between 50,000 and 100,000 euros (14%); 500,000 to 1,000,000 euros (11%); between one and three million euros (7%) and with more than 10 million euros (7%).
  • The companies that were located in the PCUV in 2017 generated €1.32 million in profits in 2017. Taking into account also the largest companies, this figure would increase to almost €50 million.
  • Total personnel expenditure for companies that have been located in the PCUV amounts to almost €18.5 million, with an average of €260,263 per company. The average salary per worker in companies that have been housed in the PCUV is €26,352 in 2017.