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PICEI 2022

PICEI 2022

PICEI 2022 Performance Report

This report summarizes the most relevant results obtained from the survey of innovative companies and organizations in the Valencian Community. This study has been developed in 2022 by the managing entities of the five Science Parks of the Valencian Community, under the coordination of the University of Valencia Scientific Park Foundation. This research study is part of the fourth edition of the Program for the Characterization of Innovative Companies to boost their projection (PICEI 2022), which has been funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation (AVI).

Specifically, the conclusions published here are the result of the questionnaire filled in by the companies through the Internet, providing them with support both by telephone and in person, in order to solve any possible doubts during the process. Multivariate statistical analyses have been added to further explore the relationship between the variables under study.

The Objectives of this survey are:
  • To better understand the characteristics of innovative companies in the Valencian Community in order to plan strategies to support their development.
  • Identify success stories and best business practices.
  • Propose innovative solutions in cross-cutting issues such as financing, training, innovation, internationalization, marketing, etc.
  • Promote dialogue and contact between all the actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem; administrations, companies, entrepreneurs, financial entities, investment funds, individuals and society in general.
  • Improve the visibility and awareness of the companies in their environment.
  • Promote the business growth of companies located in the Valencian Science Park Network (RePCV).
Objetivos encuesta



These are the main conclusions of the survey prepared by the PICEI in 2022, which was answered by 938 out of 5,000 innovative companies in the Valencian Community (excluding the self-employed) belonging to potentially innovative sectors of activity: Industry, Construction and Services (information services, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative activities and auxiliary services and health and artistic activities) that have one employee or more and in reference to the economic result of 2021:

  • 40.6% focus their activities on the Services sector (professional, scientific and technical activities 23.7%, health activities 10.3% and information and communications activities 4.3%). 31.9% belong to the Construction sector, while the remaining 27.5% belong to Industry, mainly manufacturing (25.2%).
  • As regards the size of these companies according to the number of employees, 86.1% can be considered micro-companies, since they have less than 10 workers, 76.8% have 1 to 5 employees and 9.3% have 6 to 9 employees.
  • As far as turnover is concerned, 67.9% reported a turnover of no more than 500,000 euros in 2021, specifically 28.3% have a turnover of less than 100,000 euros and 39.6% between 100,000 and 500,000 euros. 10% of the companies report a turnover between €500,000 and €1,000,000. A turnover of more than one million euros is reported by 11.4% of the companies.
  • Only 8.1% declared being part of a group of companies (mostly 6.9% national) and 18.4% stated having made sales and/or provided services to other countries during the past year 2021.
  • As for their location, half of the companies (50.4%) are located in the province of Valencia, while 37.8% are in the province of Alicante and the remaining 11.8% in the province of Castellón. 
  • In terms of age, 34.1% started their activity in the last 10 years, while 30.2% did so in the period between 2001 and 2010.
  • The Limited Liability Company (S.L.) is the most widespread legal form, with 7 out of 10 companies (71.0%) having this legal status.


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