

Room Availability

Work meetings, Congresses, Project presentations, Courses and Conferences, amongst other events, are held daily in the Science Park´s facilities, which are adapted to company and research groups´ needs.

Both in the PCUV´s academic-scientific area, and in the business one, there are a variety of different rooms for common use, in order that participants may carry out activities in a comfortable and efficient way.

Learn about the meeting rooms, check their availability and reserve the one needed for your project. Contact us reservas.pcuv@uv.es

Room Availability

Meet our rooms

Marie Curie Auditorium

Marie Curie Auditorium

Area:  120 m2
Capacity:  225 people
Available technical media:  

Multi-media equipment, public address system and simultaneous translation booths.

Location: Building 1 SC, 2nd Floor

Auditorium Reception

Auditorium Reception

Capacity:  200 people
Available technical media:  

Take advantage of its layout´s curved shape; the auditorium is spacious and bright, ideal for holding events, especially if they require catering. It can be accessed either from the stairs or by elevators.

Location:  Building 1 SC, 2nd Floor



Area:  80 m2
Capacity:  40 people
Available technical media:  

Multi-media equipment, central table with public address system, Wi-Fi connection.

Location:  Building 1 SC, 1st Floor

Multi-purpose Room

Multi-purpose Room

Area:  40 m2
Capacity:  15 people
Available technical media:  

Multi-media equipment, mobile tables (adaptable to different configurations, depending on the type of activity) and Wi-Fi connection.

Location:  Building 1 SC, 1st Floor

Training Room

Training Room

Area:  70 m2
Capacity:  30 people
Available technical media:  

Multimedia equipment, mobile tables (adaptable to different configurations depending on the type of activity) and Wi-Fi connection.

Location:  Building 1SC, 1st Floor

Room for small groups

Room for small groups

Area:  13 m2
Capacity:  4 people
Available technical media:  

Three meeting rooms (2.10, 2.16 and 2.21) all with Wifi connection.

Location:  Building 1 SC 1st Floor

Meeting room

Meeting room

Area:  40 m2
Capacity:  10 people
Available technical media:  

60-inch screen with HDMI connection, mobile tables (adaptable to different configurations. depending on the type of activity) and Wi-Fi connection.

Location: Building 1SC, 2nd Floor

Business Hotbed Room

Business Hotbed Room

Area:  20 m2
Capacity:  6-8 people
Available technical media:  

Multimedia equipment, mobile tables (adaptable to different configurations depending on the type of activity) and Wi-Fi EDUROAM connection.

Location:  Cabecera Building´s Semi-basement in the Business Nursery.