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(Biotechnology, Medicine and Health)


The company offers services and bio-informatics products, mainly oriented to the management, processing, analysis and genetic diagnosis derived from omic data (genomics, proteomics, transciptomics, etc.), obtained from sequencing and other high-throughput technologies. Biotechvana also offers personalised training and project preparation and management services with the main focus on H2020 proposals.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications
  • Sequencing and analysis of omic data services (mainly High-Throughput Sequencing or HTS).
  • Development of databases, LIMS systems, software and on-demand programming of scripts, pipelines and computational infrastructures.
  • Cloud computing services through its own servers, accessible through easy-to-use, friendly interfaces, which guarantee absolute confidentiality in data management.  Our product is distinguished by GPRO, a suite of applications linked to a remote server (cloud computing) to execute omic pipelines through friendly interfaces, integration, filtering and interrogation of HTS data and biological knowledge.
  • Housing services and hosting of the client´s own servers, where on request we help to obtain the server, configure the operating system, and take charge of the assembly and maintenance of all the infrastructure of software and pipelines.
  • In relation to knowledge management, we organise bio-informatics courses adapted to the client's needs and to all levels of learning.
  • We also offer a project development and management service mainly focused on European calls -H2020-, but also on national calls and other international projects.
Benefits of Technology


  • Bio-informatic advance in the analysis-processing-management of second-generation sequencing data on genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, etc.
  • The main problems related to the handling of large volumes of data have been resolved.
  • Interfaces based on window environments, as well as web interfaces, to allow users to perform analysis efficiently and conveniently.  Their easy and intuitive handling causes them to stand out from other similar software packages.
  • Open access database GyDB linked to a social network of researchers and organised as a wiki.



  • Integral solutions, offering excellence in know-how applied to genomics and sequencing of second generation, management programmes, technical support, development of databases and services.
  • Participation in international research projects in collaboration with different consortiums.
  • Powerful online bio-technology infrastructure.
Technology Applications
  • ICT with bio-informatic applications in the bio-medical and bio-technological sectors.
  • Own technology that allows analysis, editing, annotation and processing of genetic sequences and whole chromosomes, as well as omic databases (genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, metagenomic, transcriptomics, etc.).
Sectors to which company is directed
  • Bio-informatics:  bio-technological and bio-medical area.
  • Institutions and companies working in genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and metagenomics, with application in different bio-technological areas, such as clinical genetics, virology, molecular and cellular biology, evolution and diversity, rare diseases and drug design.
  • Sequencing services.
  • Bio-technology and Pharmaceutical companies.
  • Universities, health and veterinary centres, research centres, laboratories, etc.

Contact information

Carlos LlorensCEObiotechvana@biotechvana.comPhone: (+34) 96 354 38 39