(Advanced Services)


AMARANTO AG is an engineering company where a series of diverse professionals come together to offer years of work experience in environmental engineering inthe public and private sectors, especially in the field of urban and industrial waste management.

Their extensive experience grants them a very direct relationship with many Administrations, thus allowing them to establish exactly what the Administration needs to know, which leads to a significant reduction of administrative processing time and a precise adjustment in their work cost.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications

Amaranto AG offers several operational lines:

  • Drafting of environmental engineering projects:  sectoral requests for new installations or modification of existing ones.
  • Outsourcing of environmental administrative services.
  • Environmental education.
  • Legal-environmental advice.
  • Assistance in the drafting of bids for minor contracts and public tenders for waste infrastructure.
  • Assistance during the administrative processing of facilities projects.
  • Company Audits in internal and external management of waste for cost optimisation.
Benefits of Technology


  • Comprehensive resolution of environmental problems caused by industrial activity or planning activities, from a technical and legal point of view.


  • Comprehensive technical-legal procedure permits economic and technically efficient solutions, minimising the Administration processing time.


Technology Applications
  • Environmental engineering.
  • Industrial and urban waste.  Landfills and treatment plants.
  • Contaminated ground.  Models of pollutant flow and transport within the subsoil.
  • Studies of ground-water pollution.
  • Industrial processes for the minimisation and optimisation of waste and by-products.
  • Quarry restoration projects.
  • Industrial and urban waste-water.
  • Urban planning.  Environmental programmes and projects.
  • Atmospheric, Acoustic and Olfactometric pollution Studies.
  • Technical assistance in Engineering projects.
  • Underwater reconnaissance.   Design and project of waste-water outfalls.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Expert reports in all areas of the environment, both administrative and contentiously-administrative.
  • Evaluation of environmental liabilities in company sales.
  • Technical and Economic evaluation of Environmental investments.
  • Topography, cartography and delineation.  Three-dimensional restitution.
  • Legal advice on Environmental law.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • Companies and administrations whose activity is directly, or indirectly, involved with the generation of waste or its affects on the environment.

Contact information

Francisco Segura Phone: (+34) 963 943 905