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(Advanced Services)


Its principle lines of business within the area of health are:

  • Act as Technical Secretariat for project management, editing, publication and layout of medical scientific manuals with the most prestigious scientific publishers.
  • Administrative procedures with the Spanish Medicines Agency.
  • Realisation of Medical Science Liaison with medical publishers and professionals in the health sector.

Mobiliza Consulting through its Mobiliza Academy platform, a specialised training centre, offers companies and students a portfolio of innovative and high-impact courses within the areas of:  Health, Technology and Leadership.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications
  • Most training courses are official certification courses, endorsed by prestigious international entities.
  • Courses:  ITIL, LEAN IT, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 21500, PRINCE2...
  • Consultancies carried out by experts in each of the respective areas.
Benefits of Technology
  • Turn your training around in order to become certified in the most recognised courses in the market.
  • We prepare our students to successfully pass the exams of the most demanding professional certifications:  ITIL, LEAN IT, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 21500, PRINCE2, CLOUD, SCRUM ...
  • All our knowledge and experience directed to your growth and professional differentiation.
  • Online courses or face-to-faces ones.
  • Consultancies carried out by experts in each of the respective areas.
Technology Applications
  • All types of organisations:  private and public companies, and individual students
  • All kinds of professionals:  technical and senior engineers,diploma and degree graduates, and others.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • All the productive sectors.


Jorge Edo Juan

Socio Director- Consultor TIC

Jorge Sánchez López

Socio Director - Agile Coach

Contact information

Jorge EdoSocio Director secretaria@mobilizaacademy.comMobile Phone: 615095957