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(Information Technology (TIC))


It develops a business software oriented to web environment and Windows Phone mobile devices, following the latest generation standards and using Microsoft technology.

Currently offers products of administrative management, document management, industrial management, management of multimedia advertising content distribution and specialized sector search engines. In addition, it offers development of custom-made business applications, adapting and configuring the needs of each company.

The information contained in this business file has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation is not responsible for the veracity of it.


Technology offer

Technical Specifications


  • OnERP ( business management program in the cloud aimed at SMEs and autonomous, with integration with online stores such as Prestashop. It stands out for being an ERP system highly adaptable to the specific processes of any business.
  • Gestion @ ERP: for financial, accounting and administrative management with warehouse modules, industrial production, CRM, purchases and sales, management of research projects and POS. It includes an automated and configurable communication module for sending communications (SMS, emails) between different participants according to the definition of events.
  • ECM: platform for management and distribution of multimedia content and communication for users according to their profiles.
  • PPTR: platform for the promotion of products and services through the association of incentives to consumption or achievement of objectives; communication tools with users (mailing and personalized SMS, surveys) according to their declared profiles and their registered habits. It also offers automatic link to social networks.
  • Electronic commerce projects, such as online stores.
  • Development of customized web applications using Microsoft technology.
  • Development of applications for Windows Phone mobile devices.
  • Sectoral search engines to optimize and obtain performance of the knowledge acquired in their documentary systems by adding semantic information to them.
Benefits of Technology


  • Gestion @ ERP web technology allows access, from anywhere and through a browser, to the entire management of a company in a safe way. For this, it uses the definition of roles and access restricted to information and actions, both to the company's internal personnel (managers, employees) and external agents (commercial, suppliers and customers) if required, and having the information permanently updated.
  • The PPTR product unifies promotional mechanics for both end users and retail outlets through accumulation, administration and redemption of points. With this, the consumer loyalty is achieved and interactivity between channels of stores, vendors and brands is achieved.


  • Allows installation in local mode, dedicated web or cloud service.
  • Consulting services to improve the adaptation of the software to the needs of the client.
  • All products are customizable, including the possibility of subsequent developments tailored to suit the nature of the customer's business area and its know-how.
Technology Applications
  • Improve the integral management of a company by using the different blocks offered by Gestiona ERP (sales, purchases, production, financial, etc).
  • Encourage sales and loyalty to products of a brand, through PPTR software and through promotions.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • ERP product: any business sector, especially the industrial sector, distribution or services.
  • Product ECM and PPTR: advertising sector, shopping centers, food supermarket chains.
  • Development of customized applications: all sectors.

Contact information

César Phone: (+34) 963 212 210