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The University of Valencia Science Park celebrates 10 years since its official inauguration, on September 4, 2009. At that time, the project of this academic institution culminated developing within it an ecosystem of innovation that further favored the transfer of knowledge. A space was born with two differentiated, but complementary, areas that were going to live together: the Scientific and Academic Area, consolidated in the last decade of the 20th century, and a newly created Business Area with the aim of promoting the installation of innovative knowledge-based companies, generators of high added value.

After a decade of growth, these two areas bring together more than 1,500 highly qualified professionals, multidisciplinary teams that weave multidisciplinary networks and share their commitment to sustainability and progress in their immediate surroundings through innovation.

The best way to assess the achievements that have been consolidated in this decade is to get to know this ecosystem, listening to the protagonists of this ephemeride.

Discover us!


10 years of cohabitation between science and innovation

10 years of cohabitation between science and innovation

10 years of University of Valencia Science Park Foundation

10 years of University of Valencia Science Park Foundation

10 years of knowledge-based companies

10 years of knowledge-based companies

10 years of management of an innovation ecosystem

10 years of University management of an innovation ecosystem

Once upon a Science Park...

Once upon a Science Park...

Three Nobel Prizes, in the PCUV

Three Nobel Prizes, in the PCUV

Mediation and arbitration

Mediation and arbitration

Expociencia 2019

Expociencia 2019

Valencian participation in the first photograph of a black hole

Valencian participation in the first photograph of a black hole

Innovación, mi visión personal. Por Nuria Oliver
Thank you for joining us in our 10th anniversary!


Throughout these 10 years, the University of Valencia Science Park has favored the transfer of results of university research to society through the genesis and promotion of innovative knowledge-based companies.

There have been multiple innovative developments devised both from the 7 research institutes and the 2 unique R&D centers, as well as those executed by scientific-technical companies; results that represent progress for our environment in business fields such as Biotechnology, Genomics, ICT, Nanotechnology, and Energy and the Environment, among others.

Moreover, the Science Park has established itself as an innomediation center aimed at bringing the latest developments and technological advances to society through the organization of congresses, information and training sessions, workshops, seminars, networking activities and the edition of ebooks.

In this chronology we summarize some of the milestones that have been achieved by the professionals of the University of Valencia Science Park.

Science Park 2009
  • The Princes of Asturias inaugurated on September 4 University of Valencia Science Park, where a consolidated Scientific-Academic Area, then formed by 6 research institutes and 2 unique R&D centers, joined a new Business Area destined to support the genesis and development of innovative business activities with high scientific and technological content. Both make up what this innovation ecosystem will definitely be.


  • Months earlier, on March 9, the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation had been established, a management organization to promote the transfer of knowledge from scientific research to the productive system. Its founding patrons were the University of Valencia, the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV), the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Valencia, the Santander Bank and the Bancaja Foundation.


  • Previously, the 'I Capital and Science Encounter' was held, an investment forum promoted by the Science Park, through which a large group of knowledge-based companies were able to present their project, their business plan and their investment project to an audience formed mainly by investors, sector experts, development managers and other entrepreneurs.


  • In May 2009, the first edition of Expociencia took place, the open day of the Science Park to inform Valencian society about the daily work of research institutes and companies located in the PCUV. Numerous activities were organized, some of a playful scientific nature, which pleasantly surprised attendees.


science park 2010
  • The I International Meeting of Biotechnology of Comunitat Valenciana, organized by the Bio Cluster of this region (BIOVAL), gathered November 17 experts in the field of the US and Europe. In the partnering session, more than 50 meetings between companies were held. 


  • The University of Valencia Science Park was awarded with the Economy 3 Prize in the Invest Research Leadership’s modality.


  • Biopolis, spin-off of the CSIC, consolidates its development in the Science Park after being the first company that was located in the Business Area of the PCUV. 


  • The implementation of the first spin-off of the University of Valencia begins at the Business Nursery of the Science Park.
parc cientific 2011
  • The Business Seedbed of the Science Park was launched, a new office concept based on a coworking space that facilitates the implementation of entrepreneurial projects in the early stages of development.


  • The PCUV coordinated the Network of Entrepreneurial Scientists with the support of VLC Campus. The objectives of this pioneering associative project are to promote the culture of entrepreneurship among scientists, develop a code of conduct of companies towards entrepreneurial scientists and promote their social recognition.


  • Two years after its inauguration, the Business Area went from housing 19 companies to having more than 60 companies installed.


  • The University of Valencia and Santander Bank signed an agreement on October 4 to promote entrepreneurial culture in the PCUV. Through its Santander Universities Global Division, the financial entity collaborates with the FPCUV in the development of a program of activities aimed both at promoting cooperation between research groups of the University and the business sector, as well as the creation of innovative companies and the implementation of spaces and infrastructures, in the PCUV facilities, for research and development of new technologies.


parc cientific 2012
  • The Science Park inaugurated 'Evomobile', an electric mobility living-lab recognized by CLIMATE-KIC as a model of good practices with the assistance of the Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce and the rector of the University of Valencia. The project was funded by the Valencian Energy Agency (AVEN).


  • The Institute of Genomic Medicine (IMEGEN), a company installed in the Science Park since 2009, was recognized as a spin-off of the University of Valencia.


  • The FPCUV, together with different public and private entities, signed the Local Pact for Innovation of the Valencia City Council.


  • In November, the First National Congress of Entrepreneurial Scientists was held at the Science Park with the assistance of the Secretary of State for Research and the Conselleria of Education. The meeting had more than 200 congressmen, 80 presentations and oral communications and more than 50 attending companies.



science park 2013
  • Companies of the Valencian chemical sector, grouped in the Chemical and Environmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Valencian Community (QUIMACOVA), visited the Science Park in January and signed an agreement with the University of Valencia.


  • The Science Park hosted the informative workshop on Horizon 2020 in the food sector, organized by the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries.


  • The Palau de Cerveró hosted the First Innovation Week of the University of Valencia. It was a proposal of the Science Park and the Chair of Science Outreach aimed at creating debate on different aspects of the broad concept that is Innovation. The physicist Carlos Pobes was in charge of closing the program with a conference about his experience in Antarctica with the IceCube experiment.


  • The Institute for Robotics Research and Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Valencia developed an augmented reality program for educational intervention in autism.
science park 2014
  • 19 companies that implemented their activity within the newly opened Business Area of ​​the Science Park were recognized by the Vice Principal for Research and the FPCUV manager. Five years after its opening, this space of the Science Park has 88 signatures installed.



  •  The Science Park convened the first edition of the VLC Campus Start-Up, a program that identified new innovative business initiatives. The beneficiary companies were Sequencing Multiplex, Xenobiotics, Q'omer Bioactive Ingredients, Breeze Group International, Neuropharmatest and Uvat-Bio. They were provided with a training program and corporate accommodation to facilitate the development of their projects.



science park 2015
  • The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a mixed center of the University of Valencia and the CSIC, obtained accreditation as ‘Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence’. The IFIC is a leader in experimental and theoretical research in particle physics, astroparticles and nuclear physics. The center participates in scientific collaborations around the world and, in particular, is involved in several experiments of the Large Hadron Collider of CERN.


  • Google funded an Earth Observation project developed by the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria and the Image Processing Laboratory at the PCUV. This is the first time that the Google Earth Engine Awards have been awarded to a Spanish center.




May 16, 2019:

12:00 - 13:30Conference. 'Entre las fronteras del tiempo y el espacio. Así se fotografió el primer agujero negro supermasivo'                                        

Ivan Martí-Vidal, member of Event Horizon Telescope project

Marie Curie Auditorium


June 3, 2019:

11:30 - 13:30

Coloquio con tres Premios Nobel

Jean-Marie Pierre Lehn (Chemistry, 1987), Serge Haroche (Physics, 2012) and Ben Feringa (Chemistry, 2016)                                                         

Marie Curie Auditorium


June 18, 2019:

11:30 - 13:30

Jornada. Mediation and arbitration before disputes arising from research and technology transfer and innovation activity 

Guillermo Palao, Felipe Palau, Rosa Rodríguez, Jesús Olavarría and Ignacio Alamar 


Marie Curie Auditorium


October, 16, 2019:

10:00 - 12:30   

Institutional event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the official inauguration of the PCUV                                                      

Guest speaker: Nuria Oliver, computer scientist responsible for the Data Science department at Vodafone and specialist in computational models of human behavior. Title of the conference: Hacia una Inteligencia Artificial por y para la Sociedad                                            


Marie Curie Auditorium


Pending specify date:

11:00 - 12:00          


Isidro Laso Ballesteros, Deputy Head of Innovation Ecosystems in the European Comission

Marie Curie Auditorium


December, 2019:

 12:30 - 13:30  

Closing ceremony of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the official inauguration of the PCUV                                              



Marie Curie Auditorium


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Transferir o perecer. La opinión de Marcos Fernández, director del IRTICMètode magazine Read more »
El reto de liderar una empresa basada en el conocimiento. La opinión de Marisol Quintero, CEO de BioncotechMètode magazine Read more »
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Al Ras retransmiteix in direct the tenth anniversary of the Science ParkÀ Punt Ràdio Read more »
The nursery where 'start up' coexist with multinationalsExpansión Read more »
Where science and business come togetherLevante-EMV Read more »
The Science Park celebrates 10 years promoting knowledge transferÀ Punt Notícies Read more »
Science and business for innovationRevista Mètode Read more »